Top 5 reasons to have a Pre-Listing Inspection
Have you considered having your home inspected before listing? In order for your listing to “stand out” in today's market you need to catch the buyer’s attention. Two of the most important items needed to catch the buyer’s attention is PRICE and VALUE, to determine the price you need to look at the value. Listed bellow are 5 reasons on how pre-listing inspections can justify the price and value of the home and the benefits to both Seller and the Buyer.
Any immediate safety issues can be discovered before potential buyers tour the homes.
Repairs made before negotiations will give your house a market advantage.
Eliminate "buyer's remorse" that sometimes occurs just after an inspection which may lead to a lost sale.
Relieve you of having to hurriedly procure repair estimates or schedule repairs. You can add a list of items being repaired from the inspection.
Negotiations are less likely to fall apart when buyers' inspections unexpectedly reveal last-minute problems and time is of the essence.